Prescription Stimulant Addiction

Prescription Stimulant Addiction

Are you worried that you or someone close to you has a prescription stimulant addiction?  Help is at hand. Here we tell you a little about prescription stimulants addiction, what to look out for and how we can get you or a loved one the best possible treatment.

What is prescription stimulant addiction?

Stimulants are a group of drugs that increase alertness and attention. Some stimulants work by acting on the central nervous system and can produce mild feelings of euphoria.  In the past, stimulants were prescribed to treat a whole range of health conditions including asthma, obesity, and neurological problems. However, due to their side effects and potential for abuse, stimulants are now mainly prescribed to treat depression, narcolepsy, and ADHD, and as a short-term appetite suppressant.

Signs, symptoms, and risks of prescription stimulants addiction

Most people suffering from prescription drug addiction began by taking the medication legitimately. But Individuals can easily become physiologically and physically dependent on prescribed drugs such as stimulants. Tolerance to stimulants develops and users have to increase their dose in order to feel the same effects. Users can become addicted to the feeling of euphoria, or high, that they provide. Prescription stimulants can produce perceived energy and are open to abuse by party goers and students who want to stay up all night to study. They are also commonly abused for weight loss purposes as prescribed stimulants can decrease appetite and increase metabolism. Prescription drug abuse and addiction have significantly escalated over the last few years with users being able to easily purchase medication over the Internet.

Treatment for prescription stimulant addiction

Getting someone who is addicted to prescription drugs to agree to help can be difficult. Many users don’t realize they have an addiction.  The common image of a drug addict is of an individual “shooting up” in a seedy environment, not taking a couple of prescribed pills a day. But addiction to prescription stimulants is very real. Sudden withdrawal can result in depression, fatigue, and irregular sleep patterns. Detox should be carried out in a residential treatment center or under a medically supervised home detox program.  Treatment is most effective when detox is combined with therapy, counseling, and support groups.  At Addiction Helper, we’ll guide you through your available options, and provide you with all the support you need.

Prescription abuse treatment in Johannesburg

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